Monday, April 16, 2012

What household materials can withstand 1000 degrees celsius?

Brick has already been fired to temperatures over 1000C. You could also use a fired tile material, possibly even a terracotta flower pot (make sure it is not unfired clay). Be careful with metals, even though the melting point might be above 1000C, they will begin to soften and deform before the melting point. 

Please be very careful. If the material you use is not successful, the consequences could be harmful. Plan ahead for potential failure of the reaction vessel, like putting it in a box of sand. That's what we did in lab for the thermite reaction (it reaches temperatures over 1000C).

Steel melts above 1500°C, so should be OK depending on the guage of the steel used.

I wouldn't recommend trying to create reactions that evolve heat to this extent in the home though, it is really more suited to a laboratory.

copper has a melting point of 1083 degrees celsius

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