Wednesday, April 25, 2012
"Baby worry" is the worry that surrounds the baby's physical needs.
2. "You can borrow the care after you've picked up your sister from soccer practice" is an example of _______ parenting style. authoritative
3. "You can't have the car on Saturday because I said so" is an example of _______ parenting style. authoritarian
4. 94 percents of all American parents spank their preschool children. True
5. A "mommy tax" is the price that women pay for taking time off to care for children. True
6. A child learns that if they touch a hot stove they will get burned. According to Piaget, they are in the ___________ of development. concrete operational stage
7. A child wonders why there is war in the world. According to Piaget, she is in the _________ of development. formal operational stage
8. A macro-level factor that affects fertility rates would be access to healthcare
9. A micro-level factor that affects fertility rates would be timing of first intercourse.
10. A mother is feels guilty for spending more time with her younger son than with her older daughter. She is experiencing role strain
11. A mother who feels torn between the demands at work and the demands of her child is experiencing role conflict.
12. A number of studies of adolescents growing up with same-sex parents have concluded that what matters is not the gender of parents but the quality of their relationships with their children. True
13. A study of 25 countries found that ______ percent of women believed that men do a fair share of household work even when there were dramatic differences between the sexes. 45
14. A worker who earns the federal minimum wage will earn just over the federal poverty level for a family of two. False
15. Abortion was first outlawed in the United States in the 1800s
16. Absolute poverty is not having enough money to maintain an average standard of living. False This is the definition of relative poverty. 359.
17. According to Gerson, another term for "deadbeat dad" would be "autonomous father." True
18. According to Mead's theory, the "generalized other" is the expectation of parents or primary caregivers. False
19. According to the author, expert advice books on parenting All of the above.
20. According to the authors, the central concern in the United States appears to be raising children's test scores.
21. According to the text, "adultification" can lead to high academic performance as children are forced to mature early. False
22. According to the text, the federal poverty line is an accurate way to figure out how many people live in poverty. False
23. Adriana and Marcus just went to the doctor to find out why they have had difficulty getting pregnant. Like 20 percent of infertile couples, their doctor diagnosed them as having idiopathic infertility. In plain language, what does that mean? Doctors don't know what is wrong.
24. Adultolescents, kippers, nesthockers, bamboccione, and freeter are all words for young adults who live with their parents.
25. African American and Latino fathers typically supervise their children's activities less closely than do white fathers. False
26. After adjusting for inflation, the median income for men younger than age 44 is higher than it was in 1970. False
27. Almost 11,000 gay couples married in Massachusetts between 2004 and 2007. True
28. Americans are more critical of mothers than fathers. True
29. Among all industrialized countries, the Unites States has the lowest child poverty rates. False
30. Among the richest nations in the industrialized world, the United States ranks the highest on children's well-being. False
31. Among young adults ages 18 to 34, men are more likely than women to live with their parents. True
32. An infant who shows early agility in building with blocks and imitating words will perform better in school. False
33. Approximately how many Americans live below the federal poverty line? 40 million
34. Approximately what percentage of brides takes their husband's name when married? 83 %
35. Approximately what percentage of couples omits the word "obey" from their wedding vows? 60%
36. Asian American men have the highest earnings of any racial/ethnic group. True
37. At the managerial/professional level, which racial/ethnic group has the highest median weekly earnings? Asian Americans
38. At the top, highest paid executive positions, there is no pay gap between men and women. False
39. Authoritarian parenting styles can lead children to become overweight. True
40. Being a stay-at-home dad is usually a temporary role. True
41. Bernard argues that there is no objective reality in marriage. False
42. By law it is considered sexual harassment if a male supervisor tells a female employee "You look very nice today." False
43. Critics say that this state, which passed a law that bans all unmarried adults from adopting children, is actually targeting gays and lesbians. Arkansas
44. Cross-cultural data show that in higher socio-economic status families, parents spend more time investing in children. True
45. Demographers often use the total fertility rate (TFR) to measure the number of live children born per year per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44. False, The TFR is the average number of children born to a woman during her lifetime.
46. Dual-earner couples, or when both partners work outside the home, make up the majority of married couples. True
47. Employed mothers earn 5 percent less than non-mothers with the same credentials, education levels, and work experience. True
48. Expectant mothers typically worry more about the developing baby and look forward to its birth with greater anticipation than the expectant fathers do. False
49. Father's Day became a national holiday in 1972
50. Fathers do not experience role strain and role conflict like mothers do. False
51. Fathers spend more time with their children today than they did in the 1970s. True
52. Females are more likely to lie about their spending than are males. True
53. Fertility drugs have a high success rate. True
54. From birth to age 17, a high-income family will spend approximately ________ on raising a child. $300,000
55. Generally, fertility rates are higher for women with a college education. False
56. Half of all U.S. pregnancies are unintended. True
57. Having children typically brings a couple closer together and increases marital happiness. False
58. How many states provide open access to birth mother adoption records? 23
59. If a wife earns more than her husband, he is more likely to do more household tasks. False
60. If we look at who is taking care of young children when mother is at work, we find that it is mainly All of the above
61. In 2008, what percentage of women earned more than their husbands? 26 %
62. In 2009, on average women earned ______ cents for every dollar men earned. 76
63. In a passive-congenial marriage couples emphasize the practicality of the marriage over the emotional intensity. True
64. In a two-person single career, one spouse participates in the partner's career behind the scenes, without pay or direct recognition. True
65. In Afghanistan a "loan bride" is a daughter given away by her father to pay off a debt.
66. In cities, 19 percent of the homeless are employed. True
67. In cities, the majority of the homeless are veterans. False
68. In dual-career families with children, the most common source of stress is role overload. True
69. In general, marital satisfaction tends to increase after a couple has children. False
70. In Minnesota, the result of comparable worth policies for state employees means that women earn ____ for every dollar men earn. 97 cents
71. In spite of a struggling economy, the rich in America are getting richer. True
72. In the population of homeless families, who is the most likely to be homeless? African Americans
73. In the United States, the median household income is higher for Asian American families than for White families. True
74. In the United States, which group obtains more abortions? Blacks
75. Income inequality is greater in the United States than in any other Western industrialized nation. True
76. Infertility is more often caused by the woman than the man. False
77. It can be more expensive to send a toddler to a "mediocre" childcare center than to pay the tuition at a community college or a four-year public college or university. True
78. It could be considered sexual harassment if employees put up pornographic material on company bulletin boards or in lockers. True
79. Jay and Penny spend as much time as possible together. They share many activities including a satisfying sex life. They do argue, but when they do, they know how to focus on resolving the issue rather than attacking one another. They are very much in love. What kind of marriage do they have? vital
80. Jen says, "I'm so mad at myself for not sticking to my diet." Sue says, "Why don't we start walking together every day?" This type of support is called instrumental support
81. Jen wants children. Samuel does not, but he goes along with it anyway. This illustrates which response to becoming a parent? Ambivalent
82. Latino parents are less likely to read to their young children than are African American, Asian American, and white parents. True
83. Latino parents are more likely than black parents and Asian parents to expect their children to graduate from college. True
84. Lin and Chang are a LAT couple. What does this mean? They are married, but live apart.
85. Long-distance bicycle riding can lower sperm counts in men. True
86. Maria would prefer to be a full-time homemaker but her husband does not earn enough to support their family so she must work. She would be considered which type of employed mother? Captive
87. Marital stability and marital satisfaction tend to be higher for whites than for blacks. True
88. Marital stability and satisfaction is higher for those who are college educated than for those who are not. True
89. Marital unhappiness is linked to All of the above.
90. Marriage results in better health whether partners are unhappy or not. False
91. Married people are overall healthier than single people. True
92. Men and women are equally likely to say that they are happily married. False
93. Men are happier in their marriage when there is equality in decision-making, but not in housework. True
94. Men are less likely to contribute to household tasks if their wife earns more money than they do. True
95. Men make up approximately _____ of all stay-at-home parents during a given year. 4 %
96. Men report being more happily married than women. True
97. Middle-class parents, regardless of race and ethnicity, are more similar to each other than to low-income and high-income parents in their child-rearing practices. True
98. Minority elders are less likely to move into a nursing home. True
99. Mom and Dad want to make sure their daughter is fertile. What should they include in the wedding? Wheat
100. More men than women find it acceptable for women to propose. True
101. More than half of partners disagreed on who kept track of money and bills in their marriage. True
102. Most European systems have higher child-staff ratios than the United States. True
103. Most men do not participate in the planning of their own wedding. False
104. Most poor people in the United States are white. True
105. Most poor people live in inner cities. False
106. Most unwed mothers today keep their babies. True
107. Nationally, white parents are more likely to use child care centers than black or Latino parents. False
108. New mothers are more likely than new fathers to experience a decline in marital satisfaction. True
109. Of the 11,000 gay couples that were married in Massachusetts between 2004 and 2007, what proportion was lesbian? about two-thirds
110. Of the 11,000 gay couples that were married in Massachusetts between 2004 and 2007, what proportion were gay men? about one-third
111. Of the 240,000 sexual harassment complaints filed with the EEOC between 1992 and 2008, ______ were filed by male employees. 15 %
112. Older fathers are at risk of having babies with health problems such as autism and schizophrenia. True
113. On average, American women earn about 82 cents for every dollar men earn. False
114. One of the most important concerns Will has is being productive at work and helping mentor new employees to do well in the company. Will is probably in which of Erikson's stages? generativity vs. stagnation
115. Organized sports are best directed at children in this stage of Mead's theory: game
116. Originally, the purpose of the honeymoon was: To hide the bride while the marriage was being consummated so that she could no longer be rescued by her family.
117. Overall, married women are physically healthier than married men. False
118. Parents' attitudes towards childrearing have been found to correlate with their occupations. True
119. People are more likely to report their marriages are "very happy" today than they did in the 1970s. False
120. Playing classical music and language tapes for infants can increase their intelligence. False
121. Poor children perceive coins as larger than children from more affluent homes. True
122. Research has shown that children being cared for in child care centers are disadvantaged compared to children being cared for at home. False
123. Ron and Joy have been married for 25 years. They live their own separate lives, but do enjoy their children and their home. Theirs is a practical relationship. It's never been very romantic, but that's okay. Which type of marriage do they have? passive-congenial
124. Sally and Brad are a middle-income couple that just had a baby boy. Excluding the costs of prenatal care and delivery, approximately how much will they spend on him in his first year? $11,000
125. Sending work or jobs to another country to cut a company's costs at home is called offshoring
126. Since 1987, the most common reason for having an abortion is financial inability to support a baby.
127. Socioeconomic status affects the way that parents talk to their children. True
128. Some studies have shown that marriages improve after children leave home. True
129. Sons are more likely than daughters to engage in the ______style of care giving. sporadic
130. Spacing children more than five years apart can increase the risk of complications such as preterm births and low birth weight. True
131. Stay-at-home dads make up about 20 percent of all stay-at-home parents during a given year. False
132. Susan is worried that her child is not happy being in daycare all day. As soon as her husband secures better-paying work she plans to quit. Susan would be considered which type of mother? Conflicted
133. Thanks to famous international adoptions such as those by Angelina Jolie or Madonna, the number of international adoptions has increased since 2004. False
134. The "culture of poverty" view contends that the poor create their own problems.
135. The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) allows eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid annual leave to care for family members. True
136. The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) allows eligible employees to take up to 20 weeks of unpaid annual leave to care for family members. False
137. The American Academy of Pediatrics is in favor of parents sharing their bed with infants. False
138. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children begin watching educational shows like Sesame Street around age 1. False
139. The American Academy of Pediatrics supports gay/lesbian adoptions of children. True
140. The authoritative parenting style is when parents are firm in their limits but nurturing.
141. The best single predictor of overall marital satisfaction is the quality of the couple's sex life. False
142. The children of permissive parents are usually lacking in self control.
143. The Cuber-Haroff typology (5 marriage types) is probably not representative of most U.S. marriages because All of the above
144. The decrease in international adoptions since 2004 is due to American parents' concerns with raising a foreign-born child. False
145. The difference between care providers and care managers is care managers tend to have higher incomes and more flexibility than care providers.
146. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in the United States offers up to 12 weeks per year of unpaid leave for workers.
147. The federal Multiethnic Placement Act of 1994 states that it is better for adoptive children to be placed with a family of the same racial/ethnic background. False
148. The French system is largely seen as a "childcare" system rather than a system of early education. False
149. The higher a couple's socioeconomic status, the more likely it is that the husband will help with family tasks. True
150. The longest engagement in history was a couple in Mexico, engaged for 67 years. True
151. The majority of American mothers with children younger than age 3 are not employed outside the home. False
152. The majority of American parents spank their preschool children. True
153. The majority of Americans say that three children is the ideal number of children to have. False
154. The majority of Americans think that parents are doing a better job today than they did 20 years ago. False
155. The majority of fathers felt like "bad" fathers if they didn't think about their children while at work. False
156. The majority of first-year college students do not see having children as an "essential" or "very important" objective in their lives. False
157. The majority of high school seniors today say marriage is not important. False
158. The majority of home healthcare for older persons is provided by licensed caregivers. False
159. The majority of women who have abortions already have children. True
160. The most successful couples have a "magic ratio" of five to one, that is five positive interactions for every negative one. True
161. The most successful couples have a "magic ratio" of ten to one,that is ten positive interactions to every one negative interaction. False
162. The National Association of Black Social Workers and the Child Welfare League oppose transracial adoptions. True
163. The National Association of Black Social Workers is is opposed to transracial adoption.
164. The number of commuter marriages is increasing. True
165. The number of couples who take a premarital test to determine whether they should marry has increased since the 1990s. True
166. The number of international adoptions has decreased since 2005. True
167. The number of international adoptions has increased since 2005. False
168. The number of unionized workers has increased since 1953. False
169. The number of voluntarily childless women ages 40 to 44 has ________ since 1976. doubled
170. The number of women 40-44 without children has almost doubled since 1976. True
171. The oldest woman to give birth is believed to be 70
172. The rate of infertility for couples between ages 30 and 34 is more than ______ greater than for those between ages 25 and 29. 50 percent
173. The sperm of chronic smokers are on average _____ less fertile than those of nonsmokers. 75 percent
174. The success rate of artificial insemination is approximately 20%
175. The typical cost of a wedding in the United States is $30,000
176. The United States does not have a national child care program. True
177. The United States has a high infant mortality rate. True
178. The United States is the only one of 22 industrialized countries that provides paid sick leave for a worker undergoing a 50-day cancer treatment. False
179. The women who are the most likely to be unhappy or object to an unequal division of household work are All of the above
180. Thirty-five percent of America's poor are older adults over age 65. False
181. Today most unwed mothers keep their babies. True
182. What do Edgar Allen Poe, Nancy Reagan, Jesse Jackson, and Steve Jobs all have in common? They were all adopted.
183. What percent of American children under age 18 live with two employed parents? 66 %
184. What percent of parents report setting rules for television use for their 6-11 year old children? 70 %
185. What percent of U.S. adults approve of spanking? 52 %
186. What percent of U.S. women will have had an abortion by age 45? 33
187. What percentage of American mothers with children under the age of 3 works outside the home? 60 %
188. When asked about companionship (talking) among married couples, the Feldman study found that differences between spouses regarding how much they talk were greater among those married the longest.
189. When parental support is high and parental control is low, the parent is exhibiting the _______ parenting style. permissive
190. Which country has become a top choice for finding a surrogate? India
191. Which of the following is NOT one of the four factors that contribute to parents' role strain? Pressure from a spouse.
192. Which racial/ethnic group has the highest unemployment rates? African American men
193. Which rates are down for teens in the United States? All of the above
194. Which years are considered the "childbearing years"? 15-44
195. White children under 12 years old have more recreational outings than either black or Latino children, regardless of social class. True
196. Women in the labor force do most of the household labor. True
197. Women report being more happily married than men. False
198. Women use more verbal fillers and verbal fluencies when talking with men than they do with women. True
199. Women use more verbal fillers and verbal fluencies when talking with other women than when talking with men. False
200. Women's disproportionate responsibility for mental baby care contributes to marital dissatisfaction. True
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